Oct 13, 2021
On this episode, Katie discusses different aspects of the three credit bureaus.
It’s not uncommon to not know exactly who or what the three credit bureaus are. You might have heard of a credit bureau before, but didn’t know there were three of them. Many people associate credit bureaus with their credit score, but (spoiler alert) the bureaus actually don’t calculate your credit score! Kate is joined by returning podcast guest, Christina Roman. Christina is the Consumer Education and Advocacy Manager at Experian, and (another spoiler alter), Experian is one of the three credit bureaus. This episode will break down who the three credit bureaus are, how they started, services they provide and much more.
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More questions for Katie? E-mail us: olm@navicoresolutions.org
About Navicore Solutions: We are a national nonprofit provider of financial education and compassionate personal finance counseling. We can help you gain control of your finances. A debt free future is possible. Learn more about us here: http://navicoresolutions.org/
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More questions for Katie? E-mail us: olm@navicoresolutions.org
About Navicore Solutions: We are a national nonprofit provider of financial education and compassionate personal finance counseling. We can help you gain control of your finances. A debt free future is possible. Learn more about us here: http://navicoresolutions.org/
Follow Christina on Twitter: @Teena_LaRo